Week two on the Stiles Farm has been filled with lots more learning experiences and getting ready for the farms big field day. This week I have helped prep the front entrance and area of the farm for field day, although the rain and bad weather has been holding up a few of our projects for the week. In between thunderstorms I was able to learn how to use the weed eater and how to do maintenance on it. I also went with Mr. Collett to pick out some flowers and trees for landscaping the front of the farm. I just finished planting them today and the property is already starting to look great. We are going to pick up some mulch in the next couple of days to finish the gardening project! Our other projects for field day will continue on throughout next week. I additionally checked in on the cows a few times throughout the week ensuring they had enough grazing food and water. With the temperatures warming up we will have to make sure that the herd has plenty drink.
McKenzie -Summer Intern
Week 2