Last Friday, we worked the main herd with the help of cowboys and Dr. John Tomecek. We ear tagged and vaccinated the calves, and the cows got their booster vaccines.
Monday, Jimmy and I bought molasses and bagged minerals for the main herd, and tubs of molasses-mineral mix for the other three pastures. As soon as we put the tub down here at headquarters, the heifers were all over it!
Tuesday, I learned how to load and unload hay with the hay tractor and trailer. With the help of Jimmy, we moved six bales from the hay field right inside of Thrall to the headquarters hay barn
Every morning, as a part of my duties, I check each herd and fence line to make sure they are where they are meant to be. Last week, in the southside herd, we had a new calf, Peanut, the headquarters herd gained Milkshake, and the northwestern herd gained Domino! Written by Intern Taylor Burrell