This week I started small mammal surveys. For these surveys, I will be setting Sherman traps along my vegetation transect lines that I established earlier this year. As I walk along the 150-meter transect line, I will set 2 traps at each point (on either side of the line) in order to reduce the number of “trap happy” individuals captured. When checking the traps, I will record species trapped (if any) and some morphological data including: foot length, ear length, and total length. This weekI also continued to prepare for mesomammal trapping. I practiced my trap sets and set up “dummy sets” with scent lures and game cameras to see which species the scents attract and how they react to my fake trap set area. At the end of the week, as I was conducting my weekly raptor survey, I spotted these white pelicans that stopped in the Blacklands during their winter migration. AnMarie Ulery-Wild Life Intern