This week was our first week of mesomammal trapping here at the farm. The first night that our traps were set, we caught a Virginia opossum. After releasing it from the trap, we evaluated its body condition, determined sex, and administered a microchip. By tagging all of the animals that we capture with a microchip, we are able to document if we catch the same animal multiple times. The rest of the traps that were out that night were dug up by various critters. Our goal is to make the traps, and the area around the traps, as inconspicuous as possible. However, things like rubber jaws on a trap or pieces of denim used under the pan can absorb scents and tip off the animals to the trap’s presence. Over the course of trapping, I will need to determine which variables are causing traps to get dug up and adjust the way I am setting my traps accordingly. This week I also came across this Eastern Hognose snake at headquarters that got stirred up while Megan was mowing. I was able to relocate it out of the way of the lawnmower to a spot with lots of cover.