This week was another wet and rainy week at the farm. At the beginning of the week, I took advantage of the wet weather and spent some time hiking to search for reptiles and amphibians. On my hike, I came across a Texas blind snake, green frog, southern leopard frog, spiny softshell turtle, and Texas rat snake. During my hike, I also happened across a longnose gar that was hanging around a fast-flowing drainage in search of prey. This week I also finished up my bird surveys for the season. Over the past two weeks, I identified several new species that I hadn’t yet seen at the farm including a painted bunting, yellow-billed cuckoo, and eastern wood-pewee. At the end of this week, I set out and began running the last of my small mammal transects. So far, I have only caught this fulvous harvest mouse.
AnMarie Ulery Wildlife Intern