This week at the farm I continued my point count bird surveys. Over the past few weeks, as the spring migrants have been coming in, I’ve heard several new species such as Grasshopper sparrows, Scissor-tailed flycatchers, Yellow-headed blackbirds, and Dickcissels. Below is a picture that I captured of a male Dickcissel mid-call on one of my survey routes. This week I also wrapped up my spring vegetation surveys. This time of year is ideal for surveying vegetation as many of the forbs are flowering and the grasses are producing seed heads. While on my vegetation survey routes on the south end of the property, I had several exciting encounters. I came across this female red-eared slider laying her eggs, heard a Northern bobwhite calling several days in a row from different survey points, and was warned by a few rattlesnakes that I
stepped a little too close as I was walking by. AnMarie Ulery Wildlife Intern