Stiles Farm hosted Battleground to Breaking Ground Entrepreneurial Training Project this past week we had
19 veterans and 11 agency personnel (USDA, Extension, Stiles Farm) participate.
All participants stated the information they received from the workshop met or exceeded their expectations on the following points
Presenter’s knowledge on the topics
Preparation of the presenter
Excellent Very hands-on
Battleground to Breaking Ground Entrepreneurial Training Project USDA NIFA Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program developed the BattleGround to Breaking Ground Project to enhance the sustainability of farms and ranches, especially for military veterans.
The BattleGround to Breaking Ground Project is a 3 phase educational program available to veterans, active duty military, their families, and beginning farmers and ranchers.
Who we serve:
Military Veterans
Military-Active Duty
Military Families
Beginning Farmers & Ranchers
What We Offer:
Online education
Hands-on training
Disability support services
Program referrals
Peer support
Veteran transition support
What You Gain:
Business planning assistance
Connection to funding for agriculture businesses
Disability support services
Individual Education Planning
Knowledge & skills in your chosen area of farming/ranching
Access to land, capital, and equipment