A lot was accomplished this week at the Stiles Farm. On Monday and Tuesday we moved the main herds to new pastures so they can graze and maintain their body condition. We also did some repairs on two of the barns around headquarters, replacing the tin on the roof, the plywood, and the trimming on the outside, teaching me some basic carpentry work. On Wednesday Ryan and I worked on the cattle pens, fixing doors and gates and then moved the cows to the holding pens late in the afternoon so we could work them first thing in the morning. Thursday we worked the 4-corners herd, and with the help of our local veterinarian we were able to palpate, check for pregnancy, vaccinate, and wean the older calves. We also worked the younger calves, tagging and vaccinating, and castrating the bull calves. Thursday afternoon we sold the calves, and moved the bull to a new herd. Friday Bobby and I checked on the main herd and moved them to a larger pasture for grazing. Also that afternoon, Bobby taught both AnMarie and I how to mend barbed wire fences properly, and later how to run the shredder for shredding weeds and how we service and operate it safely on the farm.
Georgina Macias Fall 2018 Intern
Stiles Blog 9-28-18