This week on the Stiles Farm, I kept a close eye on the newest calf born at headquarters. She was always alone when I would find her and I hadn’t seen her suckle on her mom. Thursday evening, I went out to check on her and she was up walking, playing with the other calves, and suckling!
The main herd in the southside was moved to Rainy so they would hopefully clean up the grasses. They have been working pretty heavily on the part of the field closest to the water source during the heat of the day, but in the late evenings and early mornings been moving closer to the main gates.
Thursday morning, Ryan, Jimmy and I separated the cows in the northwestern herd and the four corners herd into who was staying and who was being sold. Ryan and I took them to Cameron to drop them off at the Milam County Livestock Auction for sale on Friday afternoon.
Friday morning, with the help of Dr. Tomecek and Shiner, we tried to move one of the bulls from the southside herd into the working pens. While we didn’t get him where we wanted him, he was still moved out of the herd, which was part of our goal. We used the single cab farm truck to slowly, but surely, move the last bull off of our main hay field and back with the herd.