I had the opportunity to haul and operate the nurse trailer to refill the water tanks on the tractor in the field, so that we could continue to put out a fungicide called Topguard Terra, to safeguard against cotton root rot, as we planted seed. By the end of week one, we had most of the cotton fields and research test plots wrapped up, so we were then able to move on to planting sesame.
Week two marked the beginning of our first intern project. Parker and I were given access to notes and plans composed by one of the previous interns to improve the landscaping around the office and headquarters entryway. We broke ground in front of the office on Tuesday and finished mulching the beds towards the end of the week. Now all we have left to do to complete the project before field day is put in a raised bed around the sign by the entrance.
In between planting and making progress on our landscaping project, we’ve had a few opportunities to work on smaller side projects and do some of the daily intern activities around the farm. My favorite of these is checking up on each of the Brangus herds every few days, even if it’s just to put out mineral and molasses. So far, I am grateful to be surrounded by a team of such great people. I enjoy working with my fellow interns as well as the full-time Stiles Farm staff. I’ve learned quite a lot as it is, just in the last 14 days, from the likes of Ryan, Bobby, and Jimmy.”
Cody Garcia Farm Summer Intern