The month of November was a wet one at the stiles farm, most days we saw rain and when we didn’t it was still to wet to get out in the fields. This was a great opportunity to do some cleaning up at the farm and get ahead on some of the things before things started to pick up again. I am now signed off on the hay tractor and began to feed hay by myself last week, this has been a 3 month process and I’m proud of myself to see how far I’ve come since my first time driving it. This past week and last week the weather finally cleared up enough we were able to get some wheat planted around the farm and I’m excited to see how it comes up. Last week at the farm we hosted the Battleground to Breaking Ground, a program by Extension and Agribility that helps veterans to get involved in agriculture. It was educational to both learn about he vets, but see how Extension programs are run and put together thanks to the awesome Williamson county agents and the Agribility employees. The month of December will hopefully be an exciting and not too cold month, and I look forward to the tail end of my time here at the Stiles Farm to be amazing.
-Georgina Macias Farm Intern Fall 2018