Recently, I assisted Dr. Tomeček in assembling a BoarBuster pig trap off-property. It was an involved process, but the mechanics of it were very interesting. It operates as a remotely-triggered drop-trap that, when set, is completely lifted off the ground by 3 legs connected to an inner ring. When triggered, an outer ring drops to the ground by way of diagonal rollers to trap the pigs. Once the pigs are removed, the outer ring is winched back to the up/set position. The trap can be observed via live feed by way of a motion-activated camera that notifies a person through a phone app, through which the trap can also be triggered to drop. Dr. Tomeček will be scrutinizing the qualities of this trap as compared to other types, with regards to effectiveness in trapping pigs (quantity/frequency), cost, time commitment to assembly and maintenance, longevity, and other related attributes that might concern a landowner when making pig-related damage management decisions for their property.
To start the new year, I’ve included recent photos of a few of the more commonplace sights around the farm this winter, though the subjects are no less interesting for their familiarity. Please enjoy a juvenile red-tailed hawk in flight and an adult with questionable choice in perches, a turkey vulture waiting its turn for a meal of ripe opossum, a trail camera capture of a northern shoveler drake and two hens, and a flock each of our three most abundant waterfowl species on the farm this season: gadwall, ring-necked duck, and green-winged teal. I will check back in soon with details on upcoming mesomammal trapping efforts.
Dani Miller
Wildlife Biologist
Stiles Farm Foundation